Tuesday, September 12, 2017


When you see a flea, what’s the only thing you want to know?

Yep, there' s an "oh, no" moment when you realize your pet (and house) have a problem. After that all you want to know is: how do I get rid of them?  You do need to know how to get rid of them, but you also need to know how to prevent them in the first place.



First step is to know what you’re looking for when you examine your pet to know if she’s got fleas. Fleas are little brown insects that jump. They’re about the size of the head of a pin. Sometimes you can find them on your pet. Sometimes you can’t because your pet may eat them as soon as they are detected (hence the stop-drop-and-chew phenomenon we see with an infested pet).  You might see what we call “flea dirt” which is black debris left by fleas. To confirm dirt isn’t just dirt, take a few pieces of the black debris, put a small dab of water on white paper and rub the debris through this. If there is a red smudge then that menas it’s digested blood from fleas. And confirms the fleas are present.

Fleas also cause a distinctive pattern of hair loss over the base of the tail, back, tailhead and thighs (especially the inside).


Fleas are more than just itchy pests. They can cause a few serious issues including:

  • Anemia
  • Flea allergy dermatitis and flea allergy
  • Infection  - tapeworms, typhus, tularemia, plague, and bartonellosis (cat-scratch fever)


First two points of flea treatment:

1) Treat ALL pets in the household year round with effective flea control.

2) To eliminate an established infection treat all pets at once and treat the environment.

What works to clear fleas? In our area we have what we like to call “super fleas.” They are resistant to many flea control products (e.g., many fipronil-containing products like Frontline Plus, Frontline TopSpot, and their knock-off prodcuts). What works: For an oral preventive Nexgard, Bravecto, Comfortis, and Program (the flea control in Sentinel). If you want an effective topical product then use Advantage (imidicloprid), Revolution (selamectin) or Frontline Gold or Frontline Tritak. The Serresto collars are the only effective collar.

For the environment, you can certainly hire a pro, which can be vital in super infestation situations. Otherwise what works well is vacuuming. Vacuum your entire house (hardwoods, carpets, all flooring) every 2 to 3 days for several weeks.

If your pet has a serious skin infection and fleas, then an exam with your vet is necessary.


 Posted by Zoe Forward, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (canine/feline)

Image sources:
2) Itchy - istockphoto.com

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Canine Flu Vaccine!!

TODAY (June 20), veterinary hospitals in the area are coming together for Community Immunity Day to offer the Canine flu vaccine at $15 off to safely vaccinate as many dogs as possible. At Carolina Pets Animal Hospital we are taking things one step further and
offering $15.00 off the vaccination for the ENTIRE month of June. Please take advantage of the discounted price and join the Community Immunity effort to help stop the spread of this preventable virus.
If your pet is up to date on their annual exam no doctor’s appointment is needed, a technician will have your dog in and out in less than five minutes.
Don’t wait. Vaccinate.
Not sure what's up with the Canine Flu: Click here to read more.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017

Six Hints to Keep Your Pet Healthy

It’s National Pet Week and time to celebrate being an awesome pet owner and the special bond you share with your pet. Here are a few hints to keep your pet at peak health:


1.     Keep your pet at a healthy weight.

2.     Excerise your pet!


3.     Feed your pet a balanced, nutritious diet.

4.     Have your pet examined by its veterinarian at least once a year to make sure your pet is healthy and to help detect problems earlier

5.     Vaccinate! Don’t skimp on shots. Protect your pet against potentially deadly diseases such as rabies and distemper.

6.     Keep your pet free of parasites (fleas, ticks, heartworms). Not sure what product is right for your pet, then ask us!

Photo credit: istockphoto.com

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Children’s Books with Pets that You Probably Forgot Existed

All of us have favorites from childhood and many of us have rolled those out for our kids in addition to discovering a few newer titles. Here are seven must-reads for young kids involving dogs.

CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG: He might’ve been the runt of the litter but love of his owner helps him grow and gow.

Caldecott Medal Winner.  Officer Buckle’s safety speeches get a lot more interesting when Gloria starts acting out the hazard.

Harry thinks he wants to leave home but a day away proves there’s no place like home.

Martha gets fed alphabet soup and suddenly she’s talking. Goods and bads with a talking dog.

Learning to read? No problem. This is the perfect book. A classic with dogs all going somewhere.

Another great learning to read classic. What an amazing dog who can learn all kinds of tricks, or at least there’s a plan to teach him all the tricks.

Anyone whose dog is a digger will understand the enthusiasm.


Post by Zoe Forward, DVM, Dipl. ABVP

Photo credit:
reading girl1: http://bit.ly/2mfIPcO
reading girl 2: http://bit.ly/2mX7eZ1

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Raw Diets...should you or not?

What is the scientific basis for ancestral diets and raw diets?

According to veterinary nutrition expert Dr. Tony Buffington, historically, “natural diets” or “ancestral diets” referred to rodents/mammals that fell prey to wolves and coyotes. Today, a "natural" diet more commonly refers to a mixture of ingredients such as raw meats with or without bones, vegetables and fruits. Some people believe that the act of ripping meat off bones and chewing bones is more healthful for their pets. Early literature reported that the natural diets of wild canids and felids had a plaque – retardant effect, and that these animals did not have periodontal or other diseases. Recent reports suggest this is entirely untrue. Although the value of "ancestral diets” has been asserted by some, one must recall that the ancestral lifespan for dogs and cats was likely only 2-3 years; some pets live ten times that long currently.
Types of Raw Diets?
There is no standardized raw diet. There are many such diets that fit within two general categories: homemade raw recipes and commercially prepared raw diets. Recipes for homemade diets can be found in numerous pet nutrition books and websites. The strictest of raw diet feeders are considered purists who feed only raw meat, bones, and eggs, but no fruit, vegetables, or grains; these diets rarely include supplements to make them balanced or complete. Many raw diet proponents believe that dogs and cats are not capable of digesting grains, and that diets containing grains have led to allergic and digestive diseases in companion animals (note: we are not saying this is "correct" but just stating what purists believe) There are several well-known homemade raw diets, including the BARF homemade diet (standing for bones and raw food), the Ultimate diet, and the Volhard diet. In many diets each meal is not meant to be balanced; however, over time the diets aspire to provide balanced nutrition. Many pet owners have amended these popular raw food diets to create their own recipes with or without additional supplements. This can be a major problem because now the diets are unbalanced. 
For all raw diets, meat can be purchased in bulk at local butcher shops, co-ops, and grocers. Commercially prepared raw food diets are typically sold frozen, although refrigerated diets are also available. One example is Dr. Billinghurst's commercial BARF diet marketed as frozen patties that are to be thawed and fed raw. Most commercial diets contain meat, bones, produce, and supplements to make a complete and balanced diet. The act of freezing is suggested to kill most bacterial contamination; however many bacteria are known to survive the freezing process. Although commercial diets may be a more convenient way to feed raw, they may also be more expensive than homemade diets and are considered "too processed" for many purist raw diet proponents.

FOR: Many argue in favor of feeding raw food diets to pets because dogs and cats evolved as carnivores eating raw foods, and the assertion that consumption of these diets result in improved coat and skin, improved "energy levels,” and reduced incidence of disease. Unfortunately, no evidence-based evaluation of raw food diets has occurred to substantiate these facts. These reported results are anecdotal reports only.
AGAINST: The likely incidence of infectious disease or malnutrition from feeding raw food diets negate the possible benefits. Reports of adverse effects of feeding these diets have appeared in the veterinary literature for decades ranging from infectious diseases your pet can contract (parasites, bacterial disease like salmonella) and malnutrition from the diet not being balanced.  Why does it get contaminated? All meats in the food industry get contaminated because of handling (we are referring to what is colloquially called “human grade food,” not that there is a difference between people and animal grade meat products). In the wild a coyote or wolf eats the whole carcass right away so it doesn’t get contaminated.
When should raw diets not be a diet choice at all?
If there are any immunocompromised pets or people in the household (e.g. children under a year of age, people on chemotherapy or immunosuppressive drugs, pregnancy) or pets on immunosuppressive drugs. Pregnant women are at extremely high risk for listeria and toxoplasmosis and since these can cause miscarriage, it is recommended not to feed your pet raw diets during the entire time of pregnancy.These people and pets are at high risk for serious, potentially life-threatening infection if they contract one of the diseases that can be acquired from raw food.
Pets can contract contaminants in raw foods and become carriers for bacteria such as Salmonella or E.coli and not appear physically ill, but they can still infect people with these diseases by licking their owners or in contaminated feces.
You want to feed raw food…we need to be sure it’s a balanced diet. How?
Commercially prepared food MUST have an AAFCO statement. This is the most important preliminary piece of information on the label when assessing if the diet is “healthy” and nutritionally balanced.  The AAFCO statement will be one of only 2 types:

    • Nutritionally complete and balanced (or 100% nutritious) is known or shown to be nutritionally complete.

    • For supplemental or intermittent feeding only is assumed or known to be nutritionally incomplete as sole source of nutrition for an extended time. The specific clinical sign that may appear first and when is dependent upon the first limiting nutrient and magnitude of the variance from the recommended level (toxicity or deficiency).
 If the food has the first claim, then it has been demonstrated to be balanced and nutritious. If it has the second, then it is only intended as a supplement. If the food has no AAFCO statement, then it cannot be considered a balanced/complete diet and may not be “safe.”
We want to be sure any raw diet that may be fed is safe and provides what your pet needs to be healthy. This is even more important if you are home-cooking. Whether you home-cook a diet or buy one that is commercially prepared there are many nutritional support services that provide analyses such as: NCSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s nutrition department.
As long as none of the ingredients of a satisfactory diet are contaminated, it should be safe for adult animals for months to years. We also advise careful adherence to raw food handling procedures recommended by the USDA http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Be_FoodSafe/BFS_Messages/index.asp, and to schedule more frequent check-ups to provide more careful observation of the pet.
The is NO advantage to feeding “100% USDA inspected” ingredients from a “USDA-inspected” facility. This is sometimes a label claim on raw pet food.
The U.S. meat, poultry and egg supply is contaminated with micro-organisms (e.g., salmonella, listeria, campylobacter). Meat from healthy animals becomes contaminated between slaughter and display case. This is a notable difference from the “fresh kill” raw meat consumed by feral omnivores and carnivores.
All meat and poultry products for human consumption are subject to mandatory USDA inspection. But this is not a nutritional assessment and the ingredients are not USDA “approved.”
*Consumer beware*  The FDA presumes purchasers of raw meat are aware of the potential risk and could take measures to mitigate those risks. However, pet owners who may not be as aware of the potential for harm feeding raw meat diets to companion animals has raised concerns. 
Use appropriate sanitary technique when handling raw food, food bowls and feces gathered for disposal. This includes:
 1. Always buy irradiated meat (this doesn’t mean it’s radioactive but has been treated to make it less contaminated.  This is the symbol to indicate it has been treated:
2. Wash hands prior to and following contact with raw meat.

3.  Use a cutting board dedicated to raw meat prep.

4. Use a dedicated utensil for serving food.

5. Wash and disinfect food and water bowls and serving   utensil, ideally in a sink located  in a place other than the kitchen or bathroom. DO NOT USE A SINK TO WASH RAW MEATS because the water spray can contaminate the entire area.
6. Avoid allowing young, elderly or immunocompromised people to handle raw food diets.

7. Use high-quality ingredients that have been properly stored.

8. Feed a reasonable amount of prepared food that can be eaten in a limited time period.

9.  Avoid feeding pets in kitchen.
10. Thaw frozen raw food diets in fridge or microwave.
11. Refrigerate or discard food immediately after preparation or after feeding time is over.

Thank you to information provided by Rebecca L. Remillard, PhD, DVM, DACVN, Victoria Biondi, Kate KuKanich, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, and Tony Buffington, DVM, PhD, DACN

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Is your pet’s breath blowing you away?

You don’t have to live with it smelling that way! It also means there’s something going on inside the mouth, usually bacterial infection, that needs help. It’s time for us to clean those teeth.
Aside from the stink, dental disease is a real bummer. It affects 85% of cats and dogs over 3 years of age, and can cause painful damage to your pet's teeth and gums, or even worse, damage vital organs like the kidneys, liver, and heart. Those are important organs!

If your pet doesn't have much tartar/calculus then perhaps you should try Oravet chews, which are a NEW, highly unique chew designed for those dogs who specialize in particularly stinky teeth. They contain a drug called delmopinol to aid in clearing the stinky breath. There aren't any other chews on the market quite like it.