Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Post by Zoe Forward, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (canine/feline)
Answer: They probably do!

If the dog is vocalizing, experiencing REM, and leg movement, it's a good guess that it IS dreaming. According to Dr. Debbie Calnon (Animal Behavior specialist), “While we will never really know because we can't ask them - studies do show that dogs do have REM sleep phases like people. This is the phase in which much, but not all, dream activity occurs in people…I consider it highly likely that dogs do dream given the vocalisations, leg movements and so forth that occur.”
Research suggests dogs probably do dream. Dreams might occur twenty minutes after they begin to dose. You might notice shallow, irregular breathing, twitchy eye movements behind closed lids.


Picture credits: Sleepy dog top (http://bit.ly/1bbuwQX),  sleepy bulldog (http://bit.ly/1bB3N0D)

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Post by Zoe Forward, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (canine/feline)

The bottom line is in the absence of any symptoms of illness BECAUSE THEY LIKE IT. It can be a normal behavior.

If a dog is having symptoms of illness that might include vomiting, low  or no appetite, or diarrhea, then eating grass can sometimes  induce a vomit, and then alleviate some stomach upset.

Another theory is some dogs crave the fiber or micronutrients that are in grass. In these situations eating the grass usually does not result in a vomit but you may see copious amounts of grass in the stool.

So, is grass eating a problem? If your dog NEVER eats grass and is suddenly eating grass and puking, then this is a problem that means you need to call us and bring him in. If your dog always grazes, perhaps rarely vomits after eating too much, then this can be absolutely normal and nothing to worry about.


(Picture sources: Top: http://bit.ly/1FFJyJt, Bottom: http://bit.ly/1Ecvk3U)