Thursday, November 19, 2015

Coconut Oil and Pets...good stuff!

Guest Post by Kayla Smith    

Coconut oil has been a very popular craze for humans; but what about your furry family member? The short answer is that it can provide the same benefits for them as it can for you. Coconut oil is an all-natural, holistic option that has a long list of pros. I have put together some amazing facts on how to incorporate this affordable and now popular product.

How much:  The biggest key in adding ANY new product or food to your pet’s diet to begin extremely slow. And I mean, so slow that it should take you a couple weeks until you reach the desired amount. Your pet’s gastrointestinal tract is a very sensitive one and you, as the owner, have a very important job in making sure that you add coconut oil into their diet very slow. If you skip that important step, you can run the risk of your pet getting diarrhea, greasy stools, and even vomiting.

For the first two weeks begin with:                         Once your pet is established use:

*  ¼ teaspoon for small dogs and puppies                           *  1 teaspoon per 10 pounds              OR

     * 1 teaspoon for medium to large dogs                               *  1 tablespoon per 30 pounds


What type: There is not any recommended brand but there are some keywords that you would like to look for when purchasing your coconut oil. Some of these keywords are: Organic, pressed, and virgin. These are important as they do have significantly less additives and unwanted junk, that you certainly would not want to put in your body but especially not your beloved pet! Cocount oil can be purchased at most grocery stores, holistic specialty stores, or online.  


Topical: Coconut oil also has amazing effects if used topically. About twice a month, you warm up a small amount of coconut oil in the microwave [ for about 10 seconds ] and apply it directly to nails and their nose. Just make sure that the oil is not too hot!


Coconut oil is known as a “superfood” due to it being made up of about 90% saturated fats – which are the good fats! It contains a large amount of Lauric Acid which is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral! Check out the below chart to see exactly what part of your pet this amazing superfood will help.


Skin + Coat                                                                                                         Digestion 

 * Helps with doggy odor                                                                            * Increase nutrient absorption

 * Creates sleek + glossy coats                                                                  * Helps colitis + irritable bowel syndrome

 * Promotes wound healing                                                                         * Helps address bad breath

 * Help treat yeast + fungal infections                                                           * Improves overall digestion

 * Aids with flea allergies, hot spots, and dermatitis

  Superfood Benefits

   * Increases energy

   * Help promote weight loss

   * Antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial                                                                

   * Possibly help regulate thyroid levels + diabetes


As with ANY new product, we strongly suggest that you consult us at Carolina Pets Animal Hospital. Our accredited veterinarians and staff can help ensure that Coconut oil is a great option for your pet. We also have a veterinarian that specializes in holistic medicine.  We can also provide also all-natural or holistic options to guarantee that you and your beloved pet are always receiving the best care.


Pic Sources:

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