Thursday, December 15, 2016

Holiday Pet Dangers---Made simple

It’s that time of the year when we feel obligated to do the annual “dangers of the holiday” blog post.

If you have a dog, I hope you already know not to let the dog imbibe of the chocolate or the eggnog. Yep, dogs can get drunk too (and it’s not a pretty sight). Please try not to let the cat eat the ornaments or the string holding the ornaments on the tree or the package ribbons.  I wish I had a miracle recommendation to help you keep the tree upright if you have a young cat who is thrilled to have a new jungle gym in the house.

 Let’s just keep it short and simple this year: If your pet eats something and you’re worried, give us a call. If your friends feed your pet during a holiday meal and the day after is a puke/vomit fest, call us. We don’t judge (trust me someone has called to admit their pet ate something or was fed something far more embarrassing). Our goal is for you to have a happy, safe and totally awesome holiday.

Fun extra reading links from the ASPCA Poison Control:

Post by Zoe Forward, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (canine/feline)